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The Living Tarot Online Course

All levels of experience, anywhere in the world. For complete class information and the introductory lecture, click here.

Payment plans available. To inquire, contact me.

 Live, write, speak fluent tarot.

Welcome to the Living Tarot online tarot course!  If you're a new reader, this course will help you find your way to reading fluently over the course of several weeks.  If you're a somewhat experienced or even a veteran reader, it will help you fill in interpretive gaps and consolidate your knowledge into a strong and flexible practice.

 I believe that tarot is a living language that anyone can learn.  A tarot deck reflects everything in life - as above, so below - and if you are familiar with your life, you can discover every part of it in a tarot deck.  You don't have to memorize the meanings in the little white book.  You have only to uncover the meanings.  Each card shows a slice of the life you're already living, only a little in disguise.  See through the disguise, and you're reading tarot!

 How will I access the course?
The Living Tarot online course is offered on Google Classroom.  When you sign up, you'll receive an email invitation within 12 hours and will be able to start as soon as you like.  It works on any platform, operating system, or device - though I recommend you use a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.  Several of the exercises will not work on a phone-sized screen.

What will I need?

  • 1 78-card tarot deck in the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition, or a deck that appeals to you visually and is symbol-rich enough that some of the cards give you hints of understanding even before you've started studying.  Make sure your deck has illustrated minors (the numbered cards should show some kind of scene, not just 3 cups or 9 swords on a plain background).

  • 1 blank notebook/journal (at least 80 pages) for tarot meanings. (You can do this digitally, on your computer/tablet/device, if you wish.  Whatever makes it easiest and most pleasurable for you to write every day).

  • RECOMMENDED: 1 copy of The Living Tarot: Connecting the Cards to Everyday Life for Better Readings. This is the hard-copy workbook of the course; many find it easier to work on paper than through the Classroom site. When you buy the book, I will discount the price of the book from your purchase of the online course. Just email me the receipt here.

  • Optional: 1 copy of Tarot Correspondences: Ancient Secrets for Everyday Readers (helpful for Modules 3 and 8, as well as COTD draws if you like systems)  Totally not mandatory, but also totally awesome.

What will I receive?
8 audio lectures, 40-odd worksheets, and immediate access to a monthly class Zoom meeting with me and other students. 

What's the timeline?
This is up to you, as it is a self-directed course.  I recommend that you set a schedule for yourself right at the beginning: give yourself 1-2 weeks for each module. (You'll probably need at least a full two weeks for Module 2 and a full two weeks for Module 3.)

What kind of work will I be doing?
There's a 15-30 minute audio lecture to listen to at the beginning of each module.  Otherwise: Lots of thinking, lots of writing.  There are a number of drag-and-drop worksheets, and as the course goes on there's more short-answer type questions. You'll be reporting on readings you do for yourself (needless to say, all personal information will be kept confidential).

Is it graded?
No, because there are no right answers in tarot!  However, I will give you feedback on your final assignments for each module, and you are always welcome to contact me for questions at any point in the work.

When are the monthly meetings?
Monthly Q&A meetings are held on Zoom on the first Sunday of each month, at 10:00am Eastern US time. All students are welcome to attend, including graduates. The meetings are recorded and archived on Google Classroom.

What happens when I graduate?
You go forth into the world and use your newfound skills for good! Also, you will receive the graduation gift of a one-question reading from me. And you will be qualified to join the Tarot Image Magic Experiment group, the invitation-only collaborative venture for TLT graduates.

Want to know more?
Check out the course syllabus.

Check out the introductory lecture for free:


The Living Tarot Online Course

All levels of experience, anywhere in the world. For complete class information and the introductory lecture, click here.

Payment plans available. To inquire, contact me.

Do not panic! if you don’t receive an email immediately upon signing up. I must add you manually, which means it will happen as soon as I’ve checked my email and seen your registration (within 24 hours of your signup). Also, the registration will be under the email address associated with whatever method you paid by. If you’d like me to register you under a different email address, let me know.