Dreaming the Decans webinar
Dreaming the Decans webinar
The 36 zodiacal decans have inspired countless astrologers and magicians for (at least) four millennia. Some have conjured by them, some have divined by them; all have told time with them. These days, decan awareness has enjoyed something of a revival since the publication of Austin Coppock’s seminal ’36 Faces’ (2014) and my tarot-oriented take on the decans, ’36 Secrets’ (2021). Scores of contemporary magicians, diviners, and astrologers have taken up the yearly “decan walk” as a form of ongoing observance. In this talk, I will share some of my personal experiences with the practice (including the creation of my latest book, ‘Dreaming the Decans’) and how a relationship with these ancient spirits may continue to hold meaning today.
This webinar on the decans was produced and recorded on July 13th, 2024, under the auspices of the good folks at Nightlight Astrology.
In this class bundle you’ll receive:
a link to the password-protected page where you can view the 2.5-hour “Dreaming the Decans” webinar.
a diagram of the decans and minor arcana
a map of the elemental, zodiacal and decanic correspondences in tarot
a diagram of Dignified Decans to use in planning magical work.