My friend Nina, from high school, runs What Would Virginia Woolf Do? the seriously badass Facebook group for women over 40. There’s a book, there’s a podcast, I seriously suspect there will be movie rights. You should check it out.
Anyway, over the summer Nina asked if I’d be interested in writing a blog post about tarot for WWVWD’s online blog, The Woolfer. “Let me get back to you,” I said. “I’ve got this book and this class to deal with first.”
Life happened. The kids went back to school. The husband went back to school. My office got renovated. And then…the Kavanaugh hearings. I don’t know about you, but I was already set to boil before they even happened. Like so many of you, I wept right through Dr. Ford’s testimony. I raged with those women at the elevator as Senator Flake- double agent, anti-hero, swindler of conscience - hung his head.
But by the time the inevitable happened, I was dry-eyed. Like the Queen of Swords, who has seen it all, I was not surprised. And I needed some of her steely-eyed determination to pull myself together and live to fight - and vote - another day.
So I decided it was time to write. This article sits squarely at the intersection of the political and the metaphysical, so I hope travelers from both directions will find something to take with them.
Click here to read The Queen of Swords Moment.
Thanks, Nina, for giving me a chance to vent - and to figure out where we go from here. Back in 1987, how could we have known what would lie ahead? Well, now we know, and for our daughters’ daughters’ sake, it’s time to walk past knowledge and towards action.
Another way to swear.