Prison or protection? In this week's episode of Fortune's Wheelhouse, we face the 4 of Pentacles or Disks, the Lord of Power (is that redundant?!) or Material Power. Here are tropes of kingship - the Sun as ruler of the decan, Capricorn as the zodiac's CEO, even Jupiter as the force governing all 4's. The power derives from the throne, and it is rooted, strongly fortified, solid gold, and immovable. In the fortress of the Old New Year, the embers of increasing light reflect treasures, amassed and hoarded. Does wealth buy freedom, or its opposite?
In our conversation we discuss: the summit of materialism, bank vaults, the lighting of the fire, the Burning of the Clavie, King Midas, the animal nature, the Sun and Devil major arcana, freedom vss captivity, absolute power that corrupts absolutely, Lucifer and his relationship with Knowledge, the power of carnality, Jupiter as Demiurge, obedience and tyranny, billionaires in bunkers, Chesed as limitless good, the coat closet of the abyss, the angel Zadkiel and the demon Astaroth, the Emerald Tablet, Operation of the Sun, turds laid beneath the throne, the mural crown, the heavenly Jerusalem, mandalas, thangkas, kalachakras, sun stones, the invincible Green Man, hexagram #2, and 'Soli Invicto'.
Because this very square and solar card is associated with the Sun and the last decan of Capricorn. we have a golden giveaway - a zip pouch in the fabric I call solar gold, a swirling paisley of champagne, russet, and rich buttery gold.
As Mel says, use it to hoard your precious. You can sign up as a patron and find out more about the drawing at