Mel Meleen and I were recently interviewed by Joan Marie of the Cult of Tarot forum. We had a chance to look back on the 78 individual card episodes of the Fortune’s Wheelhouse podcast and share some behind-the-scenes glimpses of our process. You can read the interview at the online forum, which is a lively gathering place for tarot enthusiasts, readers, and collectors worldwide.
Meanwhile…new Fortune’s Wheelhouse project in the works!
This was in some ways fortuitous timing, since just on Monday we signed a book contract with Llewellyn Worldwide for an esoteric guide to tarot based on Fortune’s Wheelhouse! We’ll be writing it between now and February 2020, which means it should be out by the end of next year.
When will Fortune’s Wheelhouse return?
We’ve set a date! Season 3 will begin on Wednesday, June 5th, 2019, with a series of seven thematically linked episodes. Stay tuned!